
Debugging, Emotions, Collaboration for 4-5 Year Olds - Do Monsters Like Cakes?

Discover the Sweet Adventure of Oscar the Monster - A Cake Story of Learning and Fun!


Educational Topic


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What will you learn from 'Debugging, Emotions, Collaboration for 4-5 Year Olds - Do Monsters Like Cakes?'

Explore the fun-filled world of debugging, emotions, and collaboration with Marie and Oscar. This interactive game teaches children about correcting mistakes and expressing feelings.

What values will you imbibe from 'Debugging, Emotions, Collaborationg for 4-5 Year Olds - Do Monsters Like Cakes?'

Through the adventures of Marie and Oscar, children are taught the importance of honesty, forgiveness, and working together to correct mistakes, developing a healthy emotional outlook.

Who are the protagonists of 'Debugging, Emotions, Collaboration for 4-5 Year Olds - Do Monsters Like Cakes?'

The story revolves around Marie, a passionate baker, and Oscar, a cake-loving monster. Their sweet escapade leaves young minds with delightful learning experiences.

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