
Living and Non-Living Beings, Self-Esteem for 3-4 Year-Olds - Who Will Become King of the Jungle?

Join the Roaring Competition in the Jungle with Oscar and Zaldo!

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What will you learn from 'Living and Non-Living Beings, Self-Esteem for 3-4 Year-Olds - Who Will Become King of the Jungle?'

This exciting game introduces children to living and non-living beings while encouraging self-esteem and nurturing friendship.

What values will you learn from 'Living and Non-Living Beings, Self-Esteem for 3-4 Year-Olds - Who Will Become King of the Jungle?'

Through Oscar's friendly interaction with Zaldo, kids will understand the power of friendship and gain confidence in participating in new experiences.

Who are the protagonists of 'Living and Non-Living Beings, Self-Esteem for 3-4 Year-Olds - Who Will Become King of the Jungle?'

Oscar the Dinosaur and Zaldo the Lion are our main characters, facing off in a friendly roaring competition, promoting mutual respect and camaraderie.

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