
Basic Addition for 5-Year-Olds - Billy the Postman

Join Billy the Hippo, the super postman, as he counts snakes on the jungle grass and teaches valuable math skills.


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What will you learn from 'Basic Addition for 5-Year-Olds - Billy the Postman'?

With this game, you will learn to develop basic addition skills, counting and problem-solving abilities while having fun exploring the jungle.

What values will you learn from 'Basic Addition for 5-Year-Olds - Billy the Postman'?

Through this game, you will learn the values of perseverance, patience, and the importance of being able to solve problems on your own.

Who is the protagonist of 'Basic Addition for 5-Year-Olds - Billy the Postman'?

The protagonist is Billy the Hippo, the super postman, who will count snakes on the jungle grass.

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