What skills can you learn from 'Understanding Gravity for 4-5-Year-Olds - Luna Goes to CASA'?
In this interactive educational story, children will learn about the basic concept of gravity. They'll understand how the weight of an object affects its fall, developing their visuospatial skills as they discern between heavier and lighter objects.
What values will you instill from 'Understanding Gravity for 4-5-Year-Olds - Luna Goes to CASA'?
As Luna takes her first steps into understanding complex concepts, she demonstrates courage, determination, and resilience. Children will learn the value of persistence in learning and the joy of achieving comprehension, no matter how challenging the topic may seem.
Who is the protagonist of 'Understanding Gravity for 4-5-Year-Olds - Luna Goes to CASA'?
Luna, the brave and inquisitive chick, becomes a role model for children as she triumphs over her learning hurdles. Her journey provides children with a relatable character who faces, conquers, and learns from challenges.