
Shape and Animal Recognition for 3-4-5 year olds - Puzzle Woods

Engage your mind with Puzzle Woods, aiming to reconstruct Owen the squirrel and learn about animals and shapes!

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What will be learned from 'Shape and Animal Recognition for 3-4-5 year olds - Puzzle Woods'?

With Puzzle Woods, children will have the opportunity to explore the woodland environment, reconstructing a squirrel named Owen through a fun and engaging puzzle.

What skills will be developed with 'Shape and Animal Recognition for 3-4-5 year olds - Puzzle Woods'?

Through the game, children can develop visual-spatial skills and learn to recognize animals and shapes, stimulating their logic in a fun way.

Why choose 'Shape and Animal Recognition for 3-4-5 year olds - Puzzle Woods'?

Puzzle Woods is not just a game, but an effective educational tool to stimulate the learning of young children in a fun and engaging manner.

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