
Partner up with Smart Tales

We support millions of children and parents around the world with fun and safe digital learning experiences.

How we work with organizations

Our aim is to reach parents and children around the world through innovative partnerships with companies and brands that share our vision. Our flexibility and wealth of partnership models allow us to develop mutually beneficial collaborations.

Some of our partners

Partnership smart tales-partner

School Distribution

We work with companies that distribute interactive devices and digital tools to schools. With this partnership model we enrich our partners’ offering by bundling our educational programs into their solutions, providing teachers and students with best-in-class device + software combination.

Partnership smart tales- scuole
Partnership smart tales-licenze


We license our content and characters to publishers, hardware producers, telco and other organizations operating within the children and family edutainment field.

Partnership smart tales-licenze

Brand Loyalty and Rewards

Working with some of the biggest promotion and loyalty agencies in the world, we enrich brands engagement programs with our innovative offering designed to increase kids and parents’ wellbeing.

Partnership smart tales-programmi fedeltà e premi
Partnership smart tales- responsabilità sociale e d'impresa

Corporate and Social Responsibility

We support children’s Social Emotional development through stories focused on positive values. We’ve teamed up with UNICEF and Earth Day to raise awareness of children’s fundamental rights around the world.

Partnership smart tales- responsabilità sociale e d'impresa

Physical Products

We support brands’ commercial and sale activities by offering to their customers premium access to our content. We’ve collaborated with Plasmon to support the launch of their latest product “Biscotto Mangiastorie” through thousands of coupon codes that granted unlimited access to Smart Tales.

Partnership smart tales-prodotti fisici
Partnership smart tales-welfare dei dipendenti

Employee welfare and loyalty

Smart Tales is currently offered to employees of companies across Europe. Companies are choosing Smart Tales as it supports children’s healthy growth and overall family wellbeing.

Partnership smart tales-welfare dei dipendenti

Are you a kindergarten or primary school?

If you’re looking for truly educational digital content for your students, please contact us.

Partnership smart tales-scuola materna e scuola elementare

Want to partner up with Smart Tales?

Get in touch!